If you are considering selling your home this spring, now is the time to chat with us.

First Step: Develop a Plan. We often meet with our client months before they are ready to sell to help them with their to-do lists.  Starting the process early makes the sprucing-up of your home, and the paring down of your belongings, seem much more manageable. 

Second Step: Organize. Getting a jump on organizing and packing allows you the opportunity to responsibly dispose of the things you aren't keeping and may be of value to someone else.  "Remodelista: The Organized Home" is my favorite new book on the topic of simplification and good presentation, because, hey, you are moving, so why not move less stuff!

Third Step: Initiate Plan / Get Help. Many of the projects you've been considering are likely going to be DIY, but it's nice to have enough time to outsource the jobs better handled by a professional. By starting early, you could save yourself the added stress of not being able to find a handyperson or contractor because they are already completely booked. I've got great resources for professional cleaners, too, which is the essential finishing touch.

If you just want some tips as to what you can do to get your home ready to be marketed, just shoot us a message below. We would love to help!